General Safety
Grenada is a very safe island with a low crime rate. However, like anywhere in the world, petty theft occurs and caution should be taken with your personal possessions - keep cameras and cash out of sight while swimming, and keep your valuables close to you. It's advised to use your hotel room’s safety deposit box for passports, cash and other valuables. Avoid walking by yourself in poorly lit streets or beaches at night.

Flora and Fauna
Grenada has no poisonous animals or lethal threats, but there are some things that you should watch out for.
Scorpions & Centipedes
While not lethal, severity and degree of discomfort depends on individual sensitivity. If there is any doubt, see a doctor, especially if a child has been bitten.
Animal Bites
Any bites from monkeys, dogs or other animals should be checked by a doctor, because of the small, but present risk of rabies.
Sea Urchins
A black sea egg with long black spines. If the spines are protruding from your skin you can try to carefully remove them; if they are beneath the skin DO NOT try to “pick” them out as this could cause infection. Leave them in your skin and they will eventually dissolve. To be safe, soak with vinegar or some form of antiseptic.
Avoid contact with the fruit commonly known as Manchineel Apples, often found on beaches. They look and smell like small apples, but are very poisonous. Sap from the tree and fruit blisters the skin and raindrops falling from the tree can produce the same unpleasant effect. Do not shelter under a manchineel tree when it is raining.
Coconut Palms
Never leave a baby or small child beneath a coconut palm tree because of the possibility of falling coconuts.
Illegal Drugs
Severe penalties for possession of illegal drugs like Cannabis (weed or ganja) and Cocaine exist – up to life imprisonment and yacht confiscation. Customs officials are well equipped and trained, so no attempts should be made to import, export or consume, even small quantities for “personal use.”

Sun & UV Exposure
We are very close to the equator, so experience high temperatures and lots of direct sunlight. Apply sunblock before going into the sun, then every two hours, and after swimming. It’s a good idea to avoid sunbathing between 12 and 2pm, when the sun is strongest. Keep hydrated by taking water with you in a refillable bottle. A rum punch from the beach bar doesn’t count, but will certainly help cool you down!
Safety in the Sea
Most of Grenada's beaches offer calm seas with gently lapping waves. However, swimmers should always be vigilant, especially with children. Beaches on the east coast can be rougher with hidden rip currents. Respect signs or flags indicating safe swimming zones. Red flags mean no swimming in that area. Remember that most beaches do not have lifeguards on duty.
For scuba divers, it's worth noting that the only hyperbaric chamber, for treating decompression sickness is located at St Augustine Medical Services.
Important Contacts
Emergency Numbers at a glance
Police & Fire 911
Coast Guard +1 (473) 444-1931
Police & Protection Services
Police Headquarters, St George
+1 (473) 440-3999
Police, Hillsborough, Carriacou
+1 (473) 443-7482
Hospitals and Medical Care
General Hospital, St George’s
+1 (473) 440-2051
Ambulance: +1 (473) 440-2113
St Augustine Medical Services (private hospital), St Paul’s, St George
+1 (473) 440-6173
Princess Anne Hospital, St Andrew
+1 (473) 442-7251
Ambulance: +1 (473) 442-5400
Princess Royal Hospital, Carriacou
+1 (473) 443-7400