A great way to immerse yourself in island life is to find common ground and join in with the many clubs and societies. Whether you’re interested in a round of golf at the Grenada Golf Club or a game of tennis with a fellow sportsperson, exploring the rainforest on a hash (organised hike), or volunteering at the local animal shelter, get in touch with Grenada’s clubs and societies to find out what’s going on while you’re here. There are also many exciting events for spectators, from cricket matches, athletics competitions and sailing regattas.

Sports, Clubs and Societies
Grenada Golf Club
Golflands, St George | Open daily 9am to 7pm.
Tel: +1 (473) 444-4128 | www.grenadagolfclub.com | grengolfclub2017@gmail.com
Spice Island Billfish Committee
Grenada Yacht Club, St George’s
Tel: +1 (473) 440-6826 | www.sibtgd.com | info@sibt.gd
Grenada Sailing Association
Grenada Yacht Club, St George’s
Tel: +1 (473) 439-1002 | www.grenadasailingassociation.org | grenadasailingassociation@yahoo.com
Grenada Tennis Association
Tanteen, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 405-1754 | www.grenadaolympic.com | grenadatennis2009@hotmail.com
Grenada Cricket Association
The National Stadium, St George
www.grenadaolympic.com | grenadacricketassociation@hotmail.com
Grenada Football Association
The National Stadium, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 440-9903 | www.grenadafa.com | gfageneralsecretariat@gmail.com
Grenada Athletic Association
www.grenadaathleticassociation.org | grn@mf.iaaf.org
Grenada Amateur Swimming Association
St Pauls, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 407-1523 | gasagrenada@gmail.com
Grenada Cycling Federation
Tel: +1 (473) 409-3940 | Facebook | keithoguy@hotmail.com
Rotary Club of Grenada
St George’s
www.rotaryclubofgrenada.org | rotaryclubofgrenada@gmail.com
Grenada National Trust
Grand Anse, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 435-1234 | www.grenadanationaltrust.org | admin@grenadanationaltrust.org
The Horticultural Society of Grenada
Tel: +1 (473) 440-7949 | Facebook
Grenada Hash House Harriers
www.grenadahash.com | Facebook
Grenada Olympic Committee
Morne Rouge, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 435-1015 | www.grenadaolympic.com | grnoc@spiceisle.com
Grenada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Lowthers Lane, St George
Tel: +1 (473) 440-4874 | www.grenadaspca.com | grenadanimalshelter@gmail.com
Grenada Arts Council
www.grenadaartscouncil.com | gac.asp@gmail.com
Tivoli Drummers
Tivoli, St Andrew
Tel: +1 (473) 409-1057 | tivolidrummers473@gmail.com
Grenada Cultural Foundation
Tel: +1 (473) 435-2839 | www.culture.gd | gfcmanager@spiceisle.com
Grenada Carnival Corporation
Kirani James Blvd
Tel: +1 (473) 440-0621 | www.spicemasgrenada.com | admin@spicemasgrenada.com